The Fly: Elements and Plot



The Fly by Katherine Mansfield | Summary, Theme & Setting

The fly symbolizes perseverance and grief as well as death. While the fly struggles to survive a near-drowning in an inkwell, it perseveres through hardship.

The Fly (Mansfield short story)

The Fly is a 1922 short story by Katherine Mansfield. Mansfield wrote the story in February 1922 at the Victoria Palace Hotel in Montparnasse, Paris.

[PDF] College Lit 2014

The boss took up a pen, picked the fly out of the ink, and shook it on to a piece of blotting-paper. For a fraction of a second it lay still on the dark patch ...

The Fly

Published in 1922, The Fly is often heralded as one of Katherine Mansfield's finest short stories. But it does not reward lazy readers!

The Fly

To read online for free : The Fly by Katherine Mansfield since 7 years. You like ? Vote for this work! - Short Édition.                          

The Fly: Study Guide

Katherine Mansfield's short story “The Fly” first appeared in the British publication The Nation and Athenaeum in 1922. Set in the shadow of World War I, ...

The Fly Full Text and Analysis

“The Fly,” written in February 1922, primarily concerns the loss of a young British soldier in World War I and the effects of his death on his father.

Book Review: The Fly (Katherine Mansfield).

The Fly by Katherine Mansfield is a powerful story about loss and grief. It hits the nail on the head with its themes, even in such a short ...

The Fly Study Guide | Literature Guide

In “The Fly” Mansfield directly explores the aftermath of warfare at both a personal and national level. Other Books Related to The Fly. A ... The Fly · The Fly Summary & Analysis · Plot Summary · Characters

The Fly by Katherine Mansfield

評分 3.5 (767) “The Fly,” written in February 1922, primarily concerns the loss of a young British soldier in World War I and the effects of his death on his father.


Theflysymbolizesperseveranceandgriefaswellasdeath.Whiletheflystrugglestosurviveanear-drowninginaninkwell,itperseveresthroughhardship.,TheFlyisa1922shortstorybyKatherineMansfield.MansfieldwrotethestoryinFebruary1922attheVictoriaPalaceHotelinMontparnasse,Paris.,Thebosstookupapen,pickedtheflyoutoftheink,andshookitontoapieceofblotting-paper.Forafractionofaseconditlaystillonthedarkpatch ...,Publish...